Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Capitalism, Socialism and Communism (simplified)

Karl Marx came up with the idea of Communism. He saw it as a better system than Capitalism. What are some of the features of each system?

Private ownership of property- encourages competition among citizens

The state is present

Upper class Vs Lower or Working class
-in Capitalistic societies, there are a few wealthy individuals who exploit the numerous poor
- very bad living conditions

Public ownership of all property
Ideally, the state disappears in this system
Produce according to your abilities, and consume according to your needs
- shared effort and shared resources
- everyone would have what they needed; no one person would have more than another
- is ideally a classless society

Karl Marx predicted that because the poor were exploited under capitalism, they would eventually come together and rebel through a revolution to overthrow capitalism. After this happens, a communist society would be established. However, communism is an ideal.

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